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Miss Me
Sun & Stars


Exhibit design, Sun & Stars

Lightfair International, 20' x 30'

with Bazzetto Design

This light fixture supplier wanted a dynamic design to allow for a variety of lighting simulations and demonstrations at their shows - as well as enable a variety of formal configurations to accommodate different show sites.  The primary structural feature is a tall curving mast, from which two pendant fixtures are engineered to lower and retract.


Colored lighting is inset into the fascia trim, and back-lit panels are integrated into the wall assembly.  Also critical to the exhibit are product displays with informative graphic overlays, and the creation of realistic ‘mini-environments’, for effective product demonstrations during the show.

Elevation (left) & diagrammatic axon showing variations (above)

Design renderings (left) & show image (below)

Exhibit design, Quiksilver

SIA & Magic Expo, 20' x 40'

with Studio Concepts

Taking liberally from the language of modern architecture, this exhibit's main facade utilizes translucent canopy panels, a modular lattice screen, and textured relief from an end-grain block wall.


The entire interior space required privacy from the surrounding show.  With rep meetings scheduled in-advance, the entry corner was to accommodate a maximum of one greeter and two attendees at a time.  From there, one walks through a narrow corridor before arriving at the 'foyer' where the tinted and back-lit canopy panels simulate the effect of natural lighting.

The remainder of the perimeter walls are faced with a lacquered white finish and routed banding pattern.  Thick red trim breaks this horizontality to become oversized framing for graphics.inset into the walls 


Particular care was taken to engineer modular components, ensuring the footprint could easily be adapted to suit alternate exhibit configurations. Assembly instructions exceeded typical detail, given the critical sequencing for the pre-wiring and canopy frame.

Images (above & below)

Assembly axon (above) Rendering for alternate configuration (below/left)

Expo designs, Agenda Miami

Mana Wynwood, FLA

with 3Sthree

This major streetwear event planned to relocate to a new venue under a very abbreviated schedule.  Under this time-constraint, a broad but unified proposal was envisioned for all built components of the show.  Thumbnail schematics were crafted to capture the lively feel of surrounding Miami.


The resulting motifs combined more familiar tropes of palm trees and art deco details with some of the livelier, more personal aspects of the city - from colorful murals to vintage cars.

Looking to get away from the wholly 'postcard-like' depictions of Miami, the client was looking to capture a vibe of the more immediate Wynwood neighborhood


The main design challenge was arriving at compositions that balanced the more regular framework components with the more ad-hoc and one-off flair.  Given the tight schedule, the feasibility for sourcing and fabricating the varied 'props' was also  considered during this schematic phase.

Conceptual sketches of alternate reception station designs (above), lounge area (above/right), and entry vestibule (right)

Exhibit designs, OTBT

numerous show, WWD Magic show

with Bazzetto Design

This exhibitor's product line emphasizes textured and tactile materials in their goods, with the design assembling rustic components to echo this character.  The brand's identification with journeying also played an important part in creation of the space as a '3-dimensional travelogue'. 


After many seasons utilizing an adorned trailer as the iconic centerpiece for the booth, this installation developed a more complete environment to present their latest shoe lines.  Combining custom-fabricated furnishings with salvaged items, the exhibit captures the brands's Americana roots.  The large wall graphic works as a perspectival backdrop to the displays.  The dimensional logo supports the lighting canopy above the flatscreen, which  continuously loops branding video as a break from the pastoral setting.

Images & fixture design diagrams (above), from the most recent 2014 exhibit design.


Various concept sketches & renderings for alternate booth themes and components (right & below)

Before completely re-working the booth, many iterations of for travel-related 'sequels' were proposed - from buses to picnics to hot-air balloons.  Ultimately, the challenge to these concepts came in accommodating the large and unpredictable amount of product inventory at the shows.


As an interim renovation, a large interactive backdrop collage was designed, using the classic state postcards as an influence.

Original based design (left), and more recent postcard-style backdrop graphic (below)

Exhibit designs, Moneual

Consumer Electronics Show, 40' x 50'

with Bazzetto Design

For a client marketing sleek tech products, multiple design proposals employed animated forms and exaggerated perspectives to amplify the exhibit stature.  This aesthetic interest vied with the practical need to present a large and varied product inventory - each device type having its own display requirements.

Renderings, floorplan, elevation, and perspectival diagrams for 2011's concept "A" (above)

Rendering, floorplan & perspectival diagrams for 2011's concept "B" (above)

Both 2013 proposals employ “forced perspective” in their designs, where formal angles are manipulated to exaggerate the exhibit’s perceived size.  The “A” proposal is essentially an open plan populated with numerous stations, and a solitary walled structure at the rear.  The linear stations are strategically arranged to encourage customer traffic toward a central space, from which a direct view to the featured projection wall is maintained.


The “B” option creates a more singular and direct circulation.  A strong perimeter route is established using thick reflective benches, that turn upwards to become support columns for  the massive graphic canopy above.  Inside, counters snake through from one entry point to the other, utilizing a color-coded system that highlight the company’s branding specification keys.

Rendering (left) & aerial (above), for 2010's concept "A" 

Detail sketch of featured globe light fixtures (below)

Exhibit designs, Moneual

Consumer Electronics Show, 50' x 60'

with Bazzetto Design

Instead of crowding 3000' of space with hard-walled structure, these proposals concentrate on developing a dynamic feel around the space, through formal cues and lively treatments.


Two design proposals employ a pattern of staggered lines to encircle the exhibit.  These are created through backlit reveals in the casework; custom-knit flooring.  For the "A" proposal, mirror-bottomed globe pendant lights cast distinctive rings over the exhibit floor, while the "B" design utilizes an enormous circular canopy with an illuminated bottom plane.

Renderings (above, & left, at alternate booth size), & floorplan (below)  for 2010's design"B"

Exhibit designs, Miss Me

WWD Magic fashion show, 40' x 50'

with Bazzetto Design

This client's expansive and evolving product lines required modifying the exhibit program over the course of numerous seasons.  Emphasizing clean lines and contrasting materials, the layouts also focused heavily on accommodating the functional operations of the large staff attending the shows


Two primary configurations were executed, each with multiple renovations during their run.  While the primary display is always a long line of denim, each show also brings special furnishing needs dictated by the company's latest line and branding developments.

Privacy during the show is critical to the client.  The intention for the built design was to create a semi-translucent fabric perimeter, allowing the indication of activity on the inside without yielding direct views in.  On the interior, the white walls are contrasted with colorful modern furniture, lively flora, and rows of denim.


One alternate design adds functionality to the fabric scrim wall by extending the framework to support overhead projectors.  These are carefully situated to cast branding video able to be viewed from both the interior stations and exterior aisle.


Another alternate re-thinks the large booth area, extending the aisle circulation across the space to establish two distinct sections with 'storefronts' designed into each interior partition.

Interior images & façade rendering (above) from the 2014 booth design

Renderings & diagrams for two alternate booth designs (below)

Images of elevated deck (above & right)

Design sketches for various floor fixtures (below / right)

Exhibit designs, Miss Me

WWD Magic fashion show, 50' x 60'

with Bazzetto Design

An older booth also establishes a private interior while allowing obscured views from the aisle.  This is achieved through the construction of an elevated platform with perimeter walls reaching just over eye-level.


Even with a large inventory, the vast booth area provided ample room for highlight displays.  These focal elements referenced the formal language of the shell.structure, often employing integral lighting to garner attention.  One clear example of this was the glowing handbag area, where former back wall storage space was re-engineered as a colorful full-wall display.

Rendering, section, and image of renovated handbag display


Ebay’s expansion into direct apparel sales warranted the development of a new aesthetic, to distinguish the branch from its familiar primary identity of blocky-forms and primary colors.  This exhibit instead implemented a generous use of tertiary color, with a material palatte more in-tune with to mid-century modernism, allowing the clothing to be presented in an environment more suggestive of a domestic setting.

Exhibit Design, EBay Fashion

WWD Magic fashion show

with Bazzetto Design

Images & design drawings from booth, with preliminary design concept sketch (far left).  

Under tight budgetary constraints, perhaps the most demanding challenge became the task of incorporating elements from two previously designed booths into a new coherent whole.  Beyond the ultimate furnishing selections, this involved the modification and addition of components to fit the show conditions, and fuse the dual-roles of meeting space and showroom.  To help define the semi-private conference area, an overhead beam is supported by an prominent dimensional sign below.

© 2023 Christian Ceci, except as noted

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